We are born anew by Baptism, strengthened by the Sacrament of Confirmation, and receive in the Eucharist the food of eternal life.
Baptism: If you wish to be baptized You need to select two sponsors, one of which is Catholic and contact Shawn Phillips to set date, and learn about Baptism.
Eucharist: If interested please contact Shawn Phillips at the Parish before the classes start in Lent.
Confirmation: If interested please contact Shawn Phillips at the Parish before the classes start in Lent.
In both Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick, God heals the sick through Jesus the Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Reconciliation: Priests are available by appointment. Contact the parish to set a time.
Anointing of the Sick: Contact Shawn Phillips to arrange at our regular mass time or call 763-350-3598 in an emergency.
Non-Sacramental Ways of Healing:
Prayer Page
Prayer Requests
5th Step for 12 step groups. Please call Shawn Phillips 612-824-7606 to set up a two hour appointment
The word vocation comes from the Latin word which means: to be called. All of us are called by God to live the life of love and service
Holy Orders (Priesthood)
Native Wisdom Keepers
If you have questions about your call to service with the Church. Please talk to any of us on staff, but Fr. Sledz and Shawn Phillips have multiple resources.
Archdiocesan Vocations Page
If you are interested in receiving any of the above Sacraments, please reach out to Shawn Phillips at the Parish.
Cell: 612-824-7606
Office: 763-350-3598
612 824-7606